Pullman won’t be the same without you.
Good morning, Coug fans!
Last weekend, your Washington State Volleyball team honored their eight seniors, some of whom have made Pullman home for the majority of their college career, and others who have only recently joined the team. Regardless of time spent with the program, each athlete made an unforgettable impact on the program!
Ashley Davis was there to capture all the tear-jerking pics from both ceremonies, and the action shots from Fridays loss to UCLA, and Sundays win against USC.
Take a look!
On Friday Magda Jehlárová, Pia Timmer, Julia Norville, Peyton Claus and Lana Radakovic were honored. On Sunday Karly Basham, Iman Isanovic, and Weronika Wojdyla had the floor! There were just too many great athletes, so the program wanted to make sure that each had enough time to be properly celebrated.
We will miss all of them, and the remarkable effect they each had on the community and team! Go Cougs!